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Mikayla Novak - Dramaturgical Wagner: Attention and Persuasion in an Entangled Political Economy

Entangled political economy represents a novel approach to studying economic and political interactions amongst individuals, enterprises, and other collectives. One of the distinguishing features of entangled political economy is its usage of sociological ideas – including the political elite theorization and conflict sociology of Vilfredo Pareto and his Italian peers, and socialization themes raised by Norbert Elias. The purpose of this paper is to extend the sociological imprint of entangled political economy, by exploring Wagner’s occasional references to entanglement as a “cosmic drama” of structured living-togetherness. Conceiving human interaction as being dramatic speaks to theatrical metaphors of human interactivity. The drama enacted on the stages of economic and political life are aimed at soliciting public attention and persuading others to form network connections. Dramaturgic entanglement is seen as especially pivotal in motivating triadic political relationships, facilitating public sector growth during, and after, crises. This paper emphasizes the significance of dramatic interactions in entangled economic-political affairs. 

October 19

Vlad Tarko - The variety of regulatory regimes

December 21

Jon Murphy - Cascading Expert Failure