December seminar: Cameron Harwick

Our next seminar will take place on December 15, 2:30 - 3:50 p.m. E.T. Cameron Harwick will give a talk entitled: Inside and Outside Perspectives on Institutions: An Economic Theory of the Noble Lie. Cameron is an Assistant Professor at State University of New York, College at Brockport.

If there exist no incentive or selective mechanisms that make cooperation in large groups incentive-compatible under realistic circumstances, functional social institutions will require a divergence between subjective preferences and objective payoffs – a “noble lie”. This implies the existence of irreducible and irreconcilable “inside” and “outside” perspectives on social institutions; that is, between foundationalist and functionalist approaches, both of which have a long pedigree in political economy. The conflict between the two, and the inability in practice to dispense with either, has a number of surprising implications for human organizations, including the impossibility of algorithmic governance, the necessity of discretionary enforcement in the breach, and the difficulty of an ethical economics of institutions.

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First EPERN Seminar of 2021: Ed Lopez on Formalizing Informal Institutions


Mikayla Novak to present “Entangled Political Economy of the Covid-19 Pandemic”